Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cathedral Windows

Maabig tan maliket a Pascua ed sikayon amin!
Maligayang Pasko sa inyong lahat!
A Merry Christmas to all!

I thought it appropriate to celebrate Christmas with this dessert, which recalls the stained glass windows of cathedrals - humongous ones - and even just your small, neighorhood chapels, or even your very own private adoration chapel at home. Thus the name, because it contains cubes of luminous multi-colored, multi-flavored gelatin inside.

For me it points out the very essence, the only true meaning, of Christmas. That it should let us contemplate our spirituality. Along with this is the importance of sharing, of partaking even just a simple a feast together.

But now that I have kids, cathedral windows is also a way of reconnecting to the inner child in me. No gourmet desserts this year, but a simple one that kids will love, that will also please the young at heart. Reminiscences of how simple life's pleasures were back then is the order of the day.

Cathedral Windows

gelatin, in different flavors and colors (at least 4)
8 envelopes clear, unflavored gelatin
1.5 liters evaporated milk, at room temperature
small can condensed milk

  1. Cook/dissolve flavored gelatin separately according to packet instructions, reducing the amount of water by about half a cup. When set, cube and leave in the refrigerator.
  2. Mix condensed milk into evaporated milk. Dissolve 8 envelopes unflavored gelatin in milk. Bring to a boil in a thick-bottomed pan.
  3. Let cool until milk thickens a bit. Pour into desired mold, about 2/3 full.
  4. Drop flavored gelatin cubes into milk-gelatin mixture, and mix the colors and flavors by stirring them around gently.
  5. Refrigerate until set.

Good for 3 molds.

  • I use Knoxx gelatin, and the instruction is 1 cup liquid to 1 envelope. The 1.5 liters evap in this recipe is equivalent to 6 cups (1:1 minus 2 cups).
  • If the gelatin does not set, reboil and reboil.
  • Reduce the amount of water in dissolving the flavored gelatin cubes by up to 1/4 so they won't melt readily when mixed.
  • Never put in the flavored gelatin cubes into the mik mixture while still warm, or they will melt.
  • This is actually a very retro dessert, recalling Tupperware parties. I used my in-laws' Tupperware gelatin mold with various designs on top. They proved very handy in unmolding the cathedral windows.

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  1. This looks so yummy... I've got to try it. Happy Holidays! Didn't know ur back to blogging.. I jst got back too! Cheers to New Year ahead!

  2. Long time no hear Grace! Cheers!

  3. di kami marunong gumawa e.. so we'd buy from Goldilocks nalang! hehe.


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