Friday, April 03, 2009

Mango Shake

One of the simplest pleasures I get from summer is nursing a tall glass of mango shake - awesomely fragrant, ripe Pangasinan mangoes peeled, de-seeded and sliced, blended with several tablespoonfuls of condensed and evaporated milk, and two trays of cube ice, enough to make a liter for breakfast, or afternoon refreshment.

Of course the best and simplest way to eat an incredibly sweet mango is just peeling with your hands and eating it from the seed without slicing it (here's how). Or if you're shy, slicing the two cheeks (previously chilled) and scooping the sunshine flesh with a spoon.

But mangoes mean summer, and summer with mangoes translates to prickly skin rashes that are aggravated by the summer heat. Mangoes heat up the body like no other fruit can. So I like to have them in a shake, for the chill before the fire. ;-)

Strangely enough, the best mango shakes I've had are the ones from the Visayas - everywhere there, on any island large or tiny, be it from a shake stand along the shores of a beach, or the open-air inasal joints, the restaurant of a resort, or even the hoity-toity dining places. As long as it's not in Luzon it's bound to be wonderful, that not a place anywhere in Metro Manila could beat it.

Other ways to enjoy a mango
Mango Ice Candy
Green Mango Shake
Mango Sago
Choco-Mango Float
Stir-Fried Chicken with Mango


  1. Mango shake! Wow, what I would give for one. You can't find mangos that color here. All we get are the ones from Mexico and they are greenish red and very, very stringy. My favorite fruit is mango. Whenever I have a chance to buy ice cream in a Filipino store I go for the mango and ube. Then I am in 7th heaven! I can dream. Roz

  2. Mangoes are the stuff of dreams. Even here, we wait with bated breath year-long for the mango season.

    The mangoes you describe sound a lot like the mangoes which are referred to as "Indian" here in the Philippines. We don't favor them - they're only good eaten green and unripe, with some salt.

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