Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Iloilo in 24: Lunch at Nora's

[Alimusan (marine catfish) in lemongrass-infused curry sauce]

I believe that, more than any other fancy, or the most revered, or the most popular, restaurant in any place, the local karinderyas / carinderias (streetside eateries) reflect the true cuisine of a locale.

Fare in these usually open-air affairs is not gourmet, nor are expectedly fine dining, nor even cooked well. But they are closest to experiencing home-cooked food if you happen to have no local host around to prepare a meal for you. The food is not festive, but represents what locals eat during ordinary days.

So even if I never eat at carenderias in my province and in Metro Manila, anywhere else I let my hair down and throw caution to the winds. It is good that I have developed a gut that can stomach (a pun for fun!)all the purportedly germs and diseases associated with these kinds of eating places, so I can eat anywhere I want to across the country, and even drink the water in rice terraces if need be (been there, done that!).

So for my first meal in Iloilo City I let myself be taken to Nora's Eatery, a nipa stall by the port area, at the side of the immigration building. The host for that meal was a native of Antique, and he related that Nora's is a very popular eatery in the city for those who come from all the provinces of Panay island.

It was a greatly satisfying meal. As there were five of us, we were able to order a host of dishes to try, yet cost only so much.

That slice of sea catfish in the most delicious curry sauce was just Php50. With five cups of rice and four bottles of softdrinks, our total bill came to Php423, or roughly Php85 per person. A deal like no other. As economical as eating in a house.

[Grilled slice of sibigan (tanigue, Php120)]

[Pork with red beans, Php40]

[Apan-apan, or kangkong with guinamos, Php20]

[Linutik na Kalabasa, squash with malunggay leaves in coconut milk, Php20]

Iloilo in 24 Hours
Public Market
Roberto's Siopao
Dinner: Breakthrough

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Panaderia de Molo

1 comment:

  1. the Utan is actually linutik na craving for the red beans you got tehre


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