Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Best Pasalubong Packaging

Pili brittle rounds - pili nuts cooked with sugar and formed into discs - that come semi-wrapped in dried, large pili leaves, four pieces to each leaf.

Handy, economical, but best of all environmentally correct, and impressively presentable. Informative, too, for those of us who didn't have the privilege of growing up seeing pili trees in our backyards, and who won't likely see any tree, or even just a leaf, on a tourist trip to Bicol, where these trees abound.

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  1. Just one of many things I could never find here. I remember these being wrapped in paper, kind of like those candied bananas?

    Or maybe not :)

  2. yummmm.. i love pili :) (basta nuts, i like!!)

  3. Yes Jude, sweetened pili are usually wrapped in paper, like the candied bananas which are called pinasugbo. These are a better version, I think ;-)

  4. There is a lot of pili nuts there that sell inside buses but some of those pili nuts are not really pili.It just only an ordinary nuts.


  5. miss the glazed pili nuts my dad brings from bicol. he always bring pili goodies like sa cake roll w/ pili filling (i think they call it pianono) and this pastry w/ pili filling as well. i forgot lang what they call it.. but its so good!

  6. Maybe mini pili tarts? I love them.

  7. @Kai: i think they are called "pandecillos".. which looked something like this-- (saw it in another blog) :D

  8. I'll be on the lookout for pandecillos!


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